Anything used in my nature medleys is one or more of the following: in plentiful supply in the location where it was found (often in areas not commonly accessed by humans), a windfall casualty, trampled in or on the edges of an established deer or human trail. Mushroom spores are first spread throughout the area before being laid to rest (it is my current understanding that picking fruiting bodies does not harm the mycelium below). Sometimes elements from my private collection are used.
These medleys are left in place where created, to be enjoyed by anyone who happens upon them - human or otherwise. I do sometimes re-gather any personal items I wish to keep, such as crystals, rocks, feathers.
These medleys are always created with the utmost respect and thankfulness for the beings who inhabit them and the area.
All my nature medleys are created using best foraging practices to my knowledge at the time. These practices are constantly being fine-tuned & updated as I learn more about my home’s reciprocal relationships to which I am striving to acclimatize, taking into account that I am a child of recent European immigrants living on stolen North American lands. I still have much to learn here & your helpful feedback is always appreciated!